NITI Aayog Internship Scheme 2024

NITI Aayog Internship Scheme


In supersession of the previous guidelines dated 03-10-2017, NITI

Aayog announces the revised NITI Internship Scheme. This Scheme seeks

to engage students pursuing Under Graduate / Graduate / Post Graduate

Degrees or are Research Scholars enrolled in recognized

University/Institution within India or abroad, as “interns”. These ‘tnterns”

shall be given exposure to various Verticals/ Divisions/Units within NITI

Aayog and would be expected to supplement the process of analysis within

NITI Aayog through empirical collection and collation of in-house and other

information. For the ” Interns” the exposure to the functioning of the Indian

Government may be an add-on in furthering their future interests.

The internship will be on unpaid basis.

The Scheme

1 Name of the Scheme: The NITI Internshi p Scheme.

3.2 Purpose: To allow short term exposure of “selected candidates ” \,,rith

the different Verticals/ Divisions/Units ol NITI Aayog, Government of India

as ‘Interns’. A list of domainsfareas for which Internship is invited is

enclosed as Annen tre ‘A‘,

3.3 Obiectives of th€ Seheme: The Scheme has the following stated


b. TLre ” lnterns” shall have an opportunity to know about the

Government functioning and Developmental Poiicy issues in Government of

India and contribute to the Policy formuiation by generating policy inputs

such as empirical analysis, briefing reports, policy papers, etc.


3.4 InternshiB:

(i) Internship shall be availabie throughout the year based on the

requirements of NITI Aayog.

(ii) trlieibility: Bonafide students of any recognized University/ Institution

within India or abroad, fulfilling foilowing conditions are eiigible to apply lor

the internship:

a. Under-graduate students, having completed/appeared in the term end

exams of second year I 4th, semester of the bachelor degree course and

secured not less than 85% or equivalent marks in 12th class.

b. Graduate students having completed/ appeared in the term end exams

of first year/2nd seme ster of their post graduate prograrnme or

perusing research/PhD and secured not less than TOoh or equivalent

marks in Graduation.

c. The students who have appeared in the final exam orjust completed

Graduation/PG and waiting for admission for higher studies may also

be considered for internship provided that-

They have secured 7 Ooh or more cumulative marks in all the years/

semesters of their graduation/ post-graduation till the date of



The period between the month of declaration of result of linal exam

and the desired month of internship should not exceed six months

e.g. if the result is declared in the month of June then he/she can

apply for the internship beginning til1 the month of December.

(iii) Period: The period of Internship sha-11 be at least six weeks but not

exceeding six months. Interns not completing the requisite period will not

be issued any certificate.

3 .5 Losistics & Support: Interns will be required to have their own

laptops. NITI Aayog sha11 provide them working space, internet facility and

other necessities as deemed fit bv the concerned Heads.

3.6 Procedure and conditions for Applicants:

lnterested applicants may apply onliae only in the address iink to be

indicated in the website of NITI Aayog during 1st to 1Oth of every

month. Application can only be made six months in advance but not

later than 2 months before the month in which internship is desired.

For example if any applicants wants to join internship programme

which is commencing in the month of Apr-19 then he/she can apply

from the month of Oct- 18 to Feb- 18. Application will be valid for the

desired month.

(ii) Applicants must also clearly indicate the area of interest.

(iii) A candidate can apply for internship only once during a financial


(iu) The applicants who do not lultil the eligibility conditions, their

applications sha11 be rejected by the system automatically.

(v) The selected applicant has to produce original mark sheets and NOC

from the coilege/institution at the time of joining, failing whlch his/her

candidature sha-11 be cancelled.

3.7 Procedure for Selection and Other Modalities of the Scheme:

(i) Ait the applications received online will be made available online to

the concerned Heads of Verticals/ Units/ Divisions and OSDs/ Senior

Consultants/ Consultants in NITI Aayog for further scrutiny and selection of


eligible candidates.

(ii) The Heads of Ve rticals/ Divisions/ Units can take a ma-ximum of 3

(three) interns for Internship at a time. This number may be relaxed beyond

3(three) with the permission of CEO, NITi Aayog. The decision of the Adviser

regarding the suitability of a candidate as intern shall be final and binding.

(iii) The selected candidates may be asked by the vertical/ division to

submit the soft copy of their NOC from their Head of the

Department/Principal by giving sufficient time before issuance of the offer

letter by the vertical head. It also has to be indicated in the NOC that the

student would not be registered for any course requiring his/her attendance

in the class during the period of internship.The vertical/division has to

obtain the original NOC issued by the college/institution at the time of

joining of the candidate and aiso verify his/her eligibility from the original

documents. If any discrepancy is found, the candidature of the candidate

will be cancelled by the Vertical.

(iv) The concerned vertical/division will upload the list of selected

candidates on NITI Aayog’s website.

(v) Depending upon the number of applications received against a

particular domain/area, NITI Aayog reselves the right to fix up the eligibility

criteria, limit the number of applicants to be called for a particular period

and to decide about the mode of screening thereof.

(vi) The concerned heads of Verticalsl Divisions/Units and OSDs/ Senior

Consultants/ Consultants shall be personally responsible for ensuring that

the work programme and output mutually agreed upon with the Intern is

satisfactorily completed. Interns sha11 be required to submit a brief

report/paper at the end of their assignment to the Heads of the concerned

VerticaislDivisions/Units and OSDs/Senior Consultants/ Consultants

aboul I heir learning experience.

(vii) Seminars/presentation can be conducted by the concerned Heads of

particular Verticals/Divisions/Units and OSDs/ Senior Consultantsf

Consultants for their interns.

3.8 Attendance – While doing internship in NITI Aayog, the candidate

should have a minimum ol 75oh attendance and they have to mark In and

Out tlme on daily basis. In case of less than 75ok attendance no extension of

internship period is allowed and no experience certilicate will be issued. The

attendance record ald the details of work supervision shall be maintained

by the Heads of the Verticals/ Divisions/Units and OSDs/ Senior

Consultants / Consultants.

3.9 It may be strictly observed that the conduct of the interns and their

access to data shall be the sole responsibility of the concerned

Advisers/Heads of Verticals on1y.

3.10 Scheme Review: NITI Aayog reserves the right to review the scheme at

any time. The Scheme so reviewed will be placed on the website of NITI


3.11 Relaxation: CEO, NITI Aayog will have the power to relax any of the

conditions mentioned above, in respect of any desewing candidate.

4. This issues with the approval of Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog.


Domains/ Areas available for Interuship

l. Agriculture

  1. Data Management and Analysis

i. Economics

  1. Education/Human Resources Development

  2. Energr Sector

  3. Foreign Trade / Commerce

  4. Governance

  5. Health , Nutrition, Women & Child Development

  6. Industry

I 0. Infrastructure connectivity

1l Mass Communications and Social Media

l2 Mining Sector

  1. Natural Resources, Environment & Forests

  2. Programme Monitoring and Evaluation

t5. Project appraisai and management.

l6 Public Finances/Budget

  1. Public Private Partnership

  2. Rural Development and SDGs

  3. Science and Technologr

20 Skill Deveiopment & Employment

  1. Social justice and empowerment

  2. Sports and Youth development.

  3. Tourism and culture

  4. Urbanization / smart city.

  5. Water Resources